Friday, 4 March 2011


The methodologies of saluting from metachemistry/pseudo-metaphysics (state-hegemonic axis) to metaphysics/pseudo-metachemistry (church-hegemonic axis) via physics/pseudo-chemistry (state-hegemonic axis) and chemistry/pseudo-physics (church-hegemonic axis), are as follows:-

1. Raised arm open-hand salute (with palm of hand facing outwards) in the noumenal objectivity of metachemistry over the bent arm clenched-fist salute (with fist facing inwards) in the noumenal pseudo-subjectivity of pseudo-metaphysics, the former moral (superheathen) and the latter unmoral (pseudo-superchristian).

However, an amoral descent of the one in the form of a bent arm clenched-fist salute (with fist facing outwards) should logically provoke an immoral retort in the form of a raised arm open-hand salute (with palm turned inwards) which can only diminish the objectivity of the metachemical salute-proper, insofar as it will have a pseudo-subjective dimension (inwards-turned open hand) not proper to the context in question but stemming from an unlocked pseudo-metaphysics (antimetaphysics) in quasi-metachemical vein.

Thus the quadruplicity of options (moral, amoral, unmoral, and immoral) attaching to metachemistry/pseudo-metaphysics at the northwest point of the intercardinal axial compass as the ruling principle of state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axial criteria.

2. Let us examine the polarity to such a principle in the physics/pseudo-chemistry of the southeast point of the intercardinal axial compass which defers, as in a kind of Faustian pact, to it, i.e., in terms of the female gender polarity of pseudo-chemistry to metachemistry (primary) and of the male gender polarity of physics to pseudo-metaphysics (secondary).

Hence the clenched fist to brow salute (with fingers of said fist turned inwards towards the brow) in the phenomenal subjectivity of physics over the bent arm to chest open-hand salute (with hand parallel to the forearm at right-angles to the chest such that allows only thumb and forefinger any contact thereof) in the phenomenal pseudo-objectivity of pseudo-chemistry, the former moral (christian) and the latter unmoral (pseudo-unheathen).

However, an amoral descent of the one in the form of a bent arm to chest open-hand salute (with inwards-turned hand upon the chest) should logically provoke an immoral retort in the form of a clenched-fist to brow salute (with fist held at right angles to the brow such that allows only contact of thumb and forefinger thereof) which can only diminish the subjectivity of the physical salute-proper, insofar as it will have a pseudo-objective dimension (outwards-turned clenched fist) not proper to the context in question but stemming from an unlocked pseudo-chemistry (antichemistry) in quasi-physical vein.

Thus the quadruplicity of options (moral, amoral, unmoral, and immoral) attaching to physics/pseudo-chemistry as the defining principle of lower order (phenomenal) state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axial criteria.

3. Let us now examine the axial antithesis to such a principle in the chemistry/pseudo-physics of the southwest point of the intercardinal axial compass which defers, as in a kind of divine pact, to metaphysics/pseudo-metachemistry at the northeast point of the said compass, i.e., the male gender polarity of pseudo-physics to metaphysics (primary) and the female gender polarity of chemistry to pseudo-metachemistry (secondary).

Hence the open hand to brow salute (with palm facing outwards) of conventional (British) military saluting in the phenomenal objectivity of chemistry over the clenched-fist to breast salute (with inwards-turned fist of fingers pressed against chest) in the phenomenal pseudo-subjectivity of pseudo-physics, the former moral (heathen) and the latter unmoral (pseudo-unchristian).

However, an amoral descent of the one in the form of a clenched-fist to breast salute (with fist at right angles to the chest such that allows only thumb and forefinger any contact thereof) should logically provoke an immoral retort in the form of an open hand to brow salute (with inwards and downwards turning palm) which can only diminish the objectivity of the chemical salute-proper, insofar as it will have a pseudo-subjective dimension (inwards-turned open hand) not proper to the context in question but stemming from an unlocked pseudo-physics (antiphysics) in quasi-chemical vein.

Thus the quaduplicity of options (moral, amoral, unmoral, and immoral) attaching to chemistry/pseudo-physics as the defining principle of lower order (phenomenal) church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial criteria.

4. Let us finally examine the axial polarity to such a principle in the metaphysics/pseudo-metachemistry of the northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass which leads it towards the possibility of ‘Kingdom Come’, with the aforementioned gender polarities (see section 3 above).

Hence thr raised arm clenched-fist salute (with fist turned inwards on a not-too-rigid arm) in the noumenal subjectivity of metaphysics over the bent arm open-hand salute (with palm facing outwards) in the pseudo-objectivity of pseudo-metachemistry, the former moral (superchristian) and the latter unmoral (pseudo-superheathen).

However, an amoral descent of the one in the form of a bent arm open-hand salute (with palm turned inwards) should logically provoke an immoral retort in the form of a raised arm clenched-fist salute (with fist facing outwards) which can only diminish the subjectivity of the metaphysical salute-proper, insofar as it will have a pseudo-objective dimension (outwards-turned clenched fist on more rigidedly-raised arm) not proper to the context in question but stemming from an unlocked pseudo-metachemistry (antimetachemistry) in quasi-metaphysical vein.

Thus the quadruplicity of options (moral, amoral, unmoral, and immoral) attaching to metaphysics/pseudo-metachemistry at the northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass as the leading principle of church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial criteria.

In all four cases of morality and unmorality adumbrated above, I have limited myself to a single term in each case, that being the majority ratio aspect of each position and therefore the correct basis for a credible generalization or, in this instance, series of generalizations.

It should also be noted that the phrase 'to the brow' always denotes the side of the brow or head, not the centre of the brow, since no salute can be conducted on the latter basis; although in the case of the chest saluting is always 'to the centre', as though to the heart.

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