Thursday 10 March 2011


We should think of supremacy and primacy, two terms I have often used in the past, as equivalent to free and bound, virtue and vice, positive and negative, etc., whether in relation to soma or to psyche or, rather, whether in relation to female or male gender criteria – the former exemplifying, when hegemonic, free soma and bound psyche, the latter … free psyche and bound soma, so that supremacy can be freely somatic or freely psychic, and primacy, by contrast, unfreely (bound) psychic or unfreely (bound) somatic, depending on the gender context.

Therefore, in metachemistry, which is a female element in the vacuousness of its noumenal objectivity, the free soma of beauty and love would correspond to metachemical supremacy, the bound psyche of ugliness and hatred, by contrast, to metachemical primacy, the ratio of the one to the other in this objectively absolute, or ethereal, context being 3:1.

Contrariwise, in metaphysics, which is a male element in the plenumousness, so to speak, of its noumenal subjectivity, the free psyche of joy and truth would correspond to metaphysical supremacy, the bound soma of woe and illusion, by contrast, to metaphysical primacy, the ratio of the one to the other in this subjectively absolute, or ethereal, context being 3:1.

However, in chemistry, which is a female element in the vacuousness of its phenomenal objectivity, the free soma of pride and strength would correspond to chemical supremacy, the bound psyche of humility and weakness, by contrast, to chemical primacy, the ratio of the one to the other in this objectively relative, or corporeal, context being 2 1/2:1 1/2.

Finally, in physics, which is a male element in the plenumousness, so to speak, of its phenomenal subjectivity, the free psyche of knowledge and pleasure would correspond to physical supremacy, the bound soma of ignorance and pain, by contrast, to physical primacy, the ratio of the one to the other in this subjectively relative, or corporeal, context being 2 1/2:1 1/2.

When the female is hegemonic, whether in metachemistry or in chemistry, the male will be more pseudo-primal than pseudo-supreme, whether to an absolute (pseudo-metaphysical) or to a relative (pseudo-physical) degree. Contrariwise, when the male is hegemonic, whether in physics or in metaphysics, the female will be more pseudo-primal than pseudo-supreme, whether to a relative (pseudo-chemical) or to an absolute (pseudo-metachemical) degree. Supremacy and primacy proper only exist for the hegemonic gender, never for the subordinate one.

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